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Richmond Beach Saltwater Park - Help Us Grow Our …02/15/2025

Enjoy panoramic views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains while helping to take care of native habitat restoration areas. We'll be removing noxious weeds and mulching today.
Everyone who comes to help restore nearshore habitat at the park is appreciated! No experience is necessary; just an interest in working together and having fun while protecting and restoring native habitat. We provide all tools and work gloves. (You are welcome to bring your own if you wish).
All ages OK
5 out of 12 participants registered.
What to Bring
A water bottle, a snack if you want one, and tough clothes and shoes that can get dirty (because they will!), including long pants and a long-sleeved shirt to protect against prickly blackberry. Closed-toed shoes are required: work boots or hiking boots are best as we work on sloping ground. Running shoes are also fine, but we may be working in a wetland area so water-proof shoes are best. Remember to check the weather and bring appropriate layers for warmth and rain gear or sun protection as needed.
Where to Meet
Please meet us in the lower parking lot at the volunteer table (by the rest rooms).
Directions From I-5:
- Take exit 176 for NE 175th St
- Turn West on NE 175th St. (toward Puget Sound)
- Turn right onto WA-99 N/Aurora Ave N
- Turn left onto N 185th St.; stay on this road - it changes names a couple of times to N Richmond Beach Rd. and then NW 195th St
- Turn left onto 20th Ave NW and drive down to the lower parking lot
Where to Park
Park in the lower parking lot.
Date & Time
February 15, 2025 10am - 12:30pm
Diane Brewster