Twin Ponds Park - Join us! Weekly Sunday …06/09/2024


We pulled out a LOT of ivy directly west of the south pond and we have been rewarded with new blankets of Maianthemum dilatatum (false lily of the valley) that was apparently hiding beneath all that ivy. Along the creek, the willow stakes are leafing out. At the same time, we have multiple battle fields of herb Robert and bindweed all over West Twin Ponds. So, if you want to be part of our combative crew, join us! It’s very satisfying to pull out invasive plants.

Adults only

3 out of 8 participants registered.

What to Bring

BYOG--bring your own gloves. If you have a favorite garden tool--trowel, clipper, etc.--bring that, too. (But we have tools to share.) If you dehydrate easily, please bring water since there is no potable water in this area of the park. Also, please be aware that the restrooms are about a 10 minute walk away.

Where to Meet

Near the wood chip pile, south of the main Meridian entrance.

Meeting Location Map

Where to Park

Along Meridian, across the street from Evergreen School. Please do not park in the Twin Ponds Park parking lots along 1st NE since those are on the opposite side of the park.

Date & Time

June 9, 2024 9am - 12pm


West Twin Ponds


Extra Info

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